• rombcc@gmail.com
  • 4300 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270

Our History

The Romanian Baptist Church was established on November 7, 2004 by a group of 20 Romanian believers in the greater Charlotte area under the leadership of Pastor Livius Percy. Northside Baptist Church graciously gave them a place to meet and worship together. In February 2006 the church called Ioan Pelea to serve as associate pastor. In August 2006 the church held its first baptismal service. As the church grew, it became apparent that they needed a larger facility to meet in, so they moved to Derita Baptist Church in October of 2006. By the end of 2006, the church grew to about 50 adults, and 30 children/teenagers. By 2008, membership grew to about 90 adults, and 40 children/teenagers. In 2010, the Romanian Baptist Church of Charlotte inaugurated the new building on Faires Farm Rd near UNCC University. In 2015, Radu Stir joined the pastoral team as an associate pastor. Our church now has over 50 families – all glory be to Christ!